He Is Risen
He Is Risen
Episode: 111
Season: 1
Chris is arguing with his mom, Phoebe. SUPERBOOK intervenes and in a very special episode, takes Chris, Joy, Gizmo AND Phoebe back in time, for an encounter with Jesus’ mother Mary during the time of her son's crucifixion. When Superbook returns the family home, a wiser Chris apologizes for their argument and their relationship is restored. John 19
Watch The Full EpisodeLesson:
Jesus’ life is about the restoration of relationships.
Character Profiles
He Is Risen - The Salvation Poem
He Is Risen - The Salvation Poem
The Crucifixion of Jesus
Mary Magdalene Sees Jesus Alive
Golgotha - The Place of the Skull
John Looks After Mary
Mary Hears the Good News
Peter Tries to Defend Jesus
Pilate Asks What is Truth
Judas Signals with a Kiss
The Veil Tears
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